Monday, March 19, 2007

We Begin

Since this is likely to be a series of polemics, we might as well get started with some of my observations from the last week.

At a major regional AMC, which is rolling out an Epic EMR, the records cannot be shared between departments as yet (and how long will this take, given that staff are still learning the basics of data entry?). So if a patient is seen by multiple departments, each is cheerfully (well, not so cheerfully) creating its own unique record.

This is nutty from an operational standpoint, of course, but I wonder whether this hospital system has considered how this affects patient and staff morale, as well? I might also add that the GUI looks like DOS and is as hard to read, with some counterintuitive layouts, to put it kindly. From what I saw, it's doubtful whether anyone involved in its design has ever treated a patient.

Next...I got a survey call from what I used to think was a reputable firm. I was not asked to consent to the interview, given no intro as to topic, length, benefit, confidentiality, nothing. CASRO, where art thou?

Announcement: Over the next few weeks, I will be uploading "how-to" documents for survey research, patient maps, forecast models, etc. in the life sciences to my home page and linking to those from here. Meanwhile, anyone interested in some old (but still good, I think) stuff can check out the current page.

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